Time to reshape our delivery of primary care to vulnerable older adults in social housing?

The COVID-19 pandemic reveals weaknesses in our primary care systems and illustrates how older adults on low incomes could benefit from access to their primary care team, though health care is understandably stretched during the pandemic. Traditionally, GPs have visited
those most vulnerable in their homes; however, it is not practical, nor acceptable for infection control, to expect GPs to personally visit everyone. Nonetheless, the delivery of health care virtually has not been carefully conceptualised for vulnerable populations,10 leaving them even more open to disparities of primary care access. The burden of care provision for older adults in social housing is worth attention to ensure that effective primary care can be maintained with this marginalised population. Some issues in primary care delivery are evident.

Click here to read the full PDF Article: BJGP 2021 – Editorial Reshaping Primary Care for Older Adults in Social Housing