Infographic titled the Effect of a Legal Clinic Program within an Urban Primary Health Care Centre on Social Determinants of Health: a program evaluation. Click to Read More.

Effect of a Legal Clinic Program within an Urban Primary Health Care Centre on Social Determinants of Health: a program evaluation

This is an infographic of a paper titled the Effect of a Legal Clinic Program within an Urban Primary Health Care Centre on Social Determinants of Health: a program evaluation. The study utilized a longitudinal pre-post intervention design, surveying participants at baseline and again at six months. The program was a collaboration between two law firms and a family health team, offering free weekly legal aid at a primary care clinic. With patient consent, a Legal Health Check-Up survey was conducted, followed by appointments where the legal team provided resources and referrals. There were 31 participants included in the study, sixty-seven point seven percent were female, fifty-one point 6 percent were aged thirty 5 to fifty-four and eighty-three point 9 percent were experiencing poverty.  The impact of the program was notable, with participants receiving more benefits, a twenty-six percent decrease in food insecurity, and a thirty three percent improvement in perceived health status.

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